Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dumbledore is GAY! So, is this bad?

This image indicates an argument dealing with the sexual orientation of Dumbledore. It looks down on the fact that he's gay and even makes fun of the fact. This negative outlook is being taken in a rather comical way.
Yes, it's nice that gays finally got a major character in the sci-fi/fantasy universe. Until now, we had been shut out of the major franchises. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote a rich supply of homoeroticism into The Lord of the Rings--all those men and hobbits and elves singing to one another during long, womanless quests. The books and their film versions feature tender scenes between Frodo and Samwise. But in the end, Sam marries Rosie and fathers 13 children. Thirteen! Got something to prove, hobbit?

So along comes Rowling with Dumbledore--a human being, a wizard even, an indisputable hero and one of the most beloved figures in children's literature. You’d think his being gay would be met with great cheer. However, this picture shows how some have taken it in a negative way.

The main reason for all this negativity, other than anti-gay feelings, is the fact that it was not brought out by Dumbledore himself. Never in the books did it mention his sexual preferences nor was his orientation ever even questioned. His being gay is taken as random and almost without serious consideration what so ever. Rowling’s “coming out” for Dumbledore was, without question, unforeseen and not expected.

As far as we know, Dumbledore had not fully realized romance in all his 115 years--just a lifetime spent around children and, for the seven years we know him, a fascination with the boy Potter. The photo indicates how pathetic and frustratingly stereotypical this is. It's difficult to believe someone as wise and sane as Dumbledore couldn't find at least one wizard his age to take to the Three Broomsticks.


Worth Weller said...

wow - I was only aware in passing about this new issue, and I'm dumbfounded I never paid any attention to those currents in LOTR - especially considering I've read them at least a dozen times (each) plus seen the movies four or five times. This is fascinating - I hope you all get a good dialog going here. I don't get the implications of this picture, though. I like Barbara Streisand but know little about her other than I like her outpsokenness.

Jen said...

I think they were making the assumption that men who like Streisand...are...well you know... Which obviously isn't true. However, I was also like, COME ON! Why say anything about it now? Why not let your kids come up with their own views and ideas about those types of things in the book. Leave SOMETHING to the imagination.

chiltj01 said...

Yes, I was equally shocked by the claims of homosexuality involved in Lord of the Rings. Where did you hear/read about that? That sounds like an interesting read. Only having read the first four Harry Potter books in middle-school, could you explain how his homosexuality plays into the plot or morals involved, or does it have any relevance to them? Because I was confused by the relevance of hearing the Dumbledore is gay.